Common sleeping pill may reduce the build-up of Alzheimer’s proteins, study finds

Sleeping pills may help some people get some shut-eye but using them as a preventative treatment to ward off Alzheimer’s disease is still a hazy prospect. Photo: Pexels

(Clare Watson/ Study Finds) — There’s still so much we don’t know about Alzheimer’s disease, but the link between poor sleep and worsening disease is one that researchers are exploring with gusto.

Now, a new study has found that using sleeping pills to get some shut-eye could reduce the build-up of toxic clumps of proteins in fluid that washes the brain clean every night.

Researchers from Washington University in St. Louis found people who took suvorexant, a common treatment for insomnia, for two nights at a sleep clinic experienced a slight drop in two proteins, amyloid-beta and tau, that pile up in Alzheimer’s disease.

Though only short and involving a small group of healthy adults, the study is an interesting demonstration of the link between sleep and the molecular markers of Alzheimer’s disease. (…)
