Information center / General health / Lifestyle / Prevention / Science / Women's health
8 best prebiotic foods you should eat, according to experts

(Rachael Ajmera/ Forbes Health) — Prebiotics are known as a group of nutrients that provide fuel for the beneficial bacteria in the gut. In addition to supporting digestive health, they might also offer other health benefits including improved weight and blood sugar management, enhanced nutrient absorption and more. Plus, though prebiotics can be found in supplements, they’re also naturally available in a wide variety of food sources, making it easy to increase your daily intake.
Read on for more on how prebiotics can benefit your health, plus some of the top prebiotic foods to add to your diet.
Prebiotics are mostly types of carbohydrates that are not digested by the body, but instead act as food for the beneficial bacteria in your gut, which are called probiotics.
Prebiotics are fermented by the intestinal microbiota, resulting in the production of short-chain fatty acids like lactic acid and butyric acid, which may be associated with several benefits. They also stimulate the growth of probiotics in the digestive tract, which could support other aspects of health as well. (…)