Information center / Breast cancer / Prevention / Women's health
I have breast cancer but had no symptoms. A routine mammogram saved my life
(Dawn Butler/ The Guardian) — Being told you have cancer is one of the biggest shocks you can go through. The coronavirus pandemic and cancer are a nasty combination. All the normal support, even if it’s just a big hug, is something you need but are deprived of.
But the main thing is catching breast cancer early and I was lucky enough to do that. We have had it drummed into us that we should “CoppaFeel”, so that whatever your age or gender you are aware of the symptoms of breast cancer, feel for lumps and look for changes in your breasts.
But what happens if none of that applies and you still have cancer? That’s what happened to me. The truth is a routine mammogram saved my life. I had no symptoms whatsoever but because of a mammogram in November last year, doctors discovered my cancer early. This early diagnosis means that I’ll make a full recovery. (…)